Show Notes: D&C 2; JSH 1:27-65 Quotes and Notes 00:34 – Joseph describes spiritual sight. 04:59 – The weakness of youth is lack of experience. 20:46 – The definition of a true friend. 27:14 – Interpretations of Malachi 4:2. 44:10 – The significance of the temple. 53:02 – Joseph Smith’sContinue Reading

Show Notes: JSH 1:1-26 Quotes and Notes 00:35 – The First Vision ends the apostasy and ushers in the restoration. 06:43 – God restores information in the order of importance. 09:41 – Historical background of the First Vision. 20:57 – The First Vision teaches the pattern of prayer and revelation.Continue Reading

Show Notes: D&C 1 Quotes and Notes 00:30 – Brief overview of the Doctrine and Covenants. 06:58 – Find the Savior in this book. 08:39 – Anyone in a similar circumstance can apply these instructions. 16:23 – The setting and background of Section 1. 27:06 – Defending our beliefs withContinue Reading

I like to teach Exodus 25-31 by first starting out talking about why the Lord wanted them to have a tabernacle in the first place, and then liken this to our day to show why the Lord has us build temples today. Exodus 29:42-45 and D&C 97:15-17 are excellent versesContinue Reading

I should like to tell you an experience I had while laboring as a missionary in New Bedford, Massachusetts, some years ago. We were approaching the Easter Sunday, and I had a discussion with a minister of the gospel about the mission of the Redeemer of the world. I hadContinue Reading

The narrative of David’s downfall in 2 Samuel 11 is given with such detail and in such a matter of fact manner that it is impossible to miss the point.  David made a series of decisions that brought him and those around him misery.  There were several switchpoints in thisContinue Reading

Today we examined how Moses and Aaron react to the Israelites’ desire to engage in idolatrous practices.  Aaron and Moses both respond in divergent ways – looking into their responses brought home a message to the youth in seminary. First, we took a look at Aaron’s response, which was somewhatContinue Reading

Today in class we discussed how the Tabernacle the Lord instructed Moses to build is a type or shadow of our journey back to our Heavenly Father’s presence.  Everything the Lord instructed Moses with regards to the Tabernacle pointed to the Savior, His Atonement, and our relationship to Him. TheContinue Reading

From time to time students express their frustration with those that ridicule them for their faith and for resisting temptation.  Others tell them that they need to “get real” and learn to “live in the real world”.  They are told that since everyone is committing sin, they might as wellContinue Reading

There is significance to the symbolism of the ark Noah built in Genesis 6.  There are three arks in the Bible. 1.  The ark of Noah – contained the prophet and the salvation of Israel.  The ark rested on a mountain – Genesis 8:4.  The breath of life was containedContinue Reading