3 Nephi 12-14 is very similar to the Sermon on the Mount in the Gospel of Matthew. This text is a temple ascension text, or what modern Saints call an endowment. In this podcast, we worked to demonstrate the depth and breadth of this sermon, with the hopes that thoseContinue Reading

The Book of Mormon is written in code.1 It has many layers. On the surface we read the stories, wars, sermons, and the situations the heroes in the text find themselves in. Underneath the text there is the message about the mysteries of God, the temple, and character of theContinue Reading

3 Nephi – Saints Rebaptized in the Americas The prophet Nephi was preaching in the years preceding Christ’s visit to the Americas. He was an authorized servant of the Lord, as we read in Mormon’s abridgment. This is his description: “we know our record to be true, for behold, itContinue Reading