“Give us this day our daily bread.” Matthew 6.11 Matthew 6.11 uses a word – epiousion, that appears nowhere else in other Greek texts outside of the Bible (see Luke 11.3), and was probably created by the author of Matthew to teach an idea to his audience that they wouldContinue Reading

One of John’s Themes: Go and bring a friend to believe in Jesus An example of deliberate narrative designing can be found in the stories that narrate the call of the disciples. In almost every case, it is someone who already believes that testifies to others and brings them toContinue Reading

And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf (χάσμα – Chasma, gaping opening, or impassable interval) fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence. (Luke 16:26) Joseph Fielding Smith said:Continue Reading

Possible Constructions of The Gospel of John According to Marie-Émile Boismard, the Gospel of John may have gone through four hypothetical stages of composition. Each stage is intricately involved with the life of the Johannine community: Document C. This was a complete gospel stretching from John the Baptist to theContinue Reading

The Conflict with “The Jews” The Gospel of John came from somewhere. There is a prevalent idea that this gospel was collected, written, and redacted by a distinct community late in the First Century. This community consisted of some Samaritan converts to Christianity, as well as some Jewish converts whoContinue Reading

The Construction of the Synoptic Gospels The Authors of the Synoptics used many sources Based on the evidence that scholars have produced in our day, it is evident that the authors of the gospels in the New Testament quoted from other sources. I once had a discussion about this ideaContinue Reading