In Exodus 5 there is an interchange between Moses and Pharoah where the prophet asks Pharoah to let the Israelites “rest from their burdens” and go and “hold a feast in the wilderness.” (Exodus 5:1,5). Pharoah responds with the command that from this time forth the Israelites will continue theirContinue Reading

From time to time students express their frustration with those that ridicule them for their faith and for resisting temptation.  Others tell them that they need to “get real” and learn to “live in the real world”.  They are told that since everyone is committing sin, they might as wellContinue Reading

The story of Joseph in Genesis teaches so many lessons.  First, it is a type, a message of the redemption paid by our Savior Jesus Christ.  Each of us is a brother begging for bread in a time of famine, while Joseph represents the Savior – freely forgiving and offeringContinue Reading

Genesis 25 tells the story of Esau selling his birthright to Jacob.  The birthright itself was a tremendous blessing and responsibility.  The birthright child had the duty to care for the family in temporal affairs and assume the role of spiritual leadership and presidency.  Although I do not believe EsauContinue Reading

There is significance to the symbolism of the ark Noah built in Genesis 6.  There are three arks in the Bible. 1.  The ark of Noah – contained the prophet and the salvation of Israel.  The ark rested on a mountain – Genesis 8:4.  The breath of life was containedContinue Reading

In class we examined the creation account from the perspective of the youth.  Young people may not be creating worlds, but they certainly can use the Lord as an example of how to accomplish wonderful things in their personal lives.  I asked the students this question, “What is the LordContinue Reading

We taught Moses 1 and used the text to identify where Moses learns his identity.  I asked the youth if they could think of a story, movie, or play where the character learns more about their identity and it changes their views on the world around them.  Many in myContinue Reading

Sometime into the teaching of this section, I was reminded of a story I heard about Florence Chadwick.  This story has great application in the lives of youth in keeping true to their covenants in the midst of trials and living in a time with so much uncertainty. On JulyContinue Reading

Of all the sections in the Doctrine and Covenants, this section contains more names of individuals than any other.  While the message of this section focuses on building the temple in Nauvoo and the construction of the Nauvoo house, I took this opportunity to discuss with the youth the peopleContinue Reading

This year I have had several students asking questions about the practice of plural marriage by members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the 19th century.  Usually the questions focus on why the Lord commanded this practice.  Before I even attempt at formulating a response, IContinue Reading