James – An Overview The letter of James takes its name from the attribution of authorship in 1.1; the letter itself does not otherwise identify its author. Some scholars suggest that the author is the brother of Jesus (Matthew 13.55; Mark 6.3) and the head of the church in JerusalemContinue Reading

Gazelem – Alma 37.23  The word Gazelem appears to have its roots in Gaz – a stone and Aleim, a name of God as a revelator or interposer in the affairs of men. If this suggestion be correct, its roots admirably agree with its apparent meaning-a seer. (George Reynolds, AContinue Reading

Make Your Calling and Election Sure Elder Bruce R. McConkie Doctrinal New Testament Commentary, volume 3:323-355 Among those who have received the gospel, and who are seeking diligently to live its laws and gain eternal life, there is an instinctive and determined desire to make their calling and election sure.Continue Reading

THE PROBATIONARY TEST OF MORTALITY Elder Bruce R. McConkie Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles Address given at the University of Utah Institute of Religion January 10, 1982 I’m very pleased and honored to have this opportunity to meet and worship with you on this special occasion. Earlier, PresidentContinue Reading

Signs of the Times “Our loving Heavenly Father and His Son, Jehovah, with a knowledge of the end from the beginning, opened the heavens and a new dispensation to offset the calamities that They knew would come. The Apostle Paul described the forthcoming calamities as “perilous times.” For me, thisContinue Reading