Marvelous Power John 11 shows the compassion that Jesus had for Mary and Martha as well as all of us. Most students of the Bible are familiar with the phrase “Jesus wept”. Many seminary students do not know the context of this particular verse of scripture. This is a greatContinue Reading

There is a purpose and a plan in all suffering When faced with adversity, we might ask Heavenly Father, “Why me?” But do we think to ask in times of bounteous blessings, “Why am I so blessed?”  Jesus’ comments in John 9:3 are not vague. His disciples ask why theContinue Reading

John 8:1-11 and Luke 7:36-50 teach a powerful lesson about the Savior’s willingness and ability to forgive sin.  In the scriptures, when people genuinely cry out to Jesus to be forgiven, He always responds with a granting of this request.  I asked the students if they could think of otherContinue Reading

Growing In Revelation This chapter outlines the progression the Samaritan woman takes in recognizing Jesus as the Messiah. The woman starts by addressing Jesus as “thou, a Jew” (verse 9) to “Sir” (verse 11) to “I perceive that thou art a prophet” (verse 19) to fishing to see if JesusContinue Reading

Standing for Truth Alma 43 starts with the conflict in 74 B.C. between the Lamanites and the Nephites where many of the Zoramites defect to the Lamanite side. We read in Alma 43:8-9 the difference between the goals of the two groups: Verse 8 (Lamanite goals): “his designs were toContinue Reading

There is quite a bit going on in Alma 1-3. We are introduced to our second visible anti-Christ, as Nehor enters the stage (Sherem was the first- see Jacob 7). Following his death we read how the Nephites were able to establish a utopian like society in the last fewContinue Reading

I appreciate the discussion Mosiah sets forth in Mosiah 29 regarding government, responsibility, and his opinion regarding kings and how they tend to limit liberty. In Mosiah 29:13 we read what I would term a fascinating verse: Therefore, if it were possible that you could have just men to beContinue Reading

These notes contain links to a few books that have helped me understand the context and content of the scriptures. As an Amazon Affiliate, I do earn a small commission from qualifying purchases (at no extra cost to you). Click here to see all of my favorite books on Amazon. Mosiah 25-28Continue Reading

Mosiah chapters 22 through 24 both illustrate how the Lord works in our lives to make us equal to our challenges. We read that the people of Limhi were in a tough situation in that “there was no way that they could deliver themselves” from their affliction (Mosiah 21:5). This isContinue Reading

This discussion of the problems faced by Limhi and his people contains links to a few books that have helped me understand the context and content of the scriptures. As an Amazon Affiliate, I do earn a small commission from qualifying purchases (at no extra cost to you). Click here toContinue Reading