Just before his death in 1856, Jedediah M. Grant received a vision of the spirit world. At his funeral, Heber C. Kimball spoke of President Grant’s vision: I went to see him one day last week, and he reached out his hand and shook hands with me; he could notContinue Reading

In October 1838, Wilford Woodruff  began to lead 53 new Saints from his missionary labors in Maine to Nauvoo, Illinois.  It took them three months traveling in wagons.  Wilford took his wife and only child on this journey.  Early in his travels, he became sick as did his wife, theirContinue Reading

Zebedee Coltrin Shares His Experiences  Presidents John Taylor and George Q. Cannon, Apostles Erastus Snow, Brigham Young, Francis M. Lyman, and Heber J. Grant, and Elders L. John Nuttall and Zebedee Coltrin present. Brother Zebedee Coltrin said:  I believe I am the only living man now in the church whoContinue Reading

Circumstances surrounding the Restoration of Melchizedek Priesthood In addition, the reminiscences of a Church member named Addison Everett may be helpful regarding the site and circumstances of the restoration of the higher priesthood. In 1881 he wrote a letter to a Church member named Oliver B. Huntington and then, inContinue Reading

Joseph Smith’s First Vision – 1820 So, in accordance with this, my determination to ask of God, I retired to the woods to make the attempt. It was on the morning of a beautiful, clear day, early in the spring of eighteen hundred and twenty. It was the first timeContinue Reading