Compare Numbers 22-24 and Micah 6:5 to Numbers 31:8, 16; Deuteronomy 23:4-5; Joshua 24:9-10; Nehemiah 13:2, 2 Peter 2:15, Jude 1:11, and Revelation 2:14 Numbers 31:16 (a priestly text) is the only verse in the Old Testament that attributes the apostasy of Baal Peor to Balaam’s doing. Deuteronomy 23:4-5 saysContinue Reading

Joseph F. Smith – those who received a fullness in this world “And he that believes, is baptized, and receives the light and testimony of Jesus Christ, and walks well for a season, receiving the fulness of the blessings of the gospel in this world, and afterwards turns wholly untoContinue Reading

Commit Suicide to get to the telestial kingdom? It is not wisdom for us to understand the future, unless upon certain principles. Those principles are divine, and when we understand the future and eternity upon divine and holy principles, we are satisfied with our own existence, for we understand theContinue Reading

Why Miracles Are Necessary For The Salvation of Man Years ago I had the opportunity to meet and to learn from Robert J. Matthews. He has since passed away, but his teachings have helped me to better understand Jesus Christ and his gospel. There was a day when Brother MatthewsContinue Reading

  Is Cain Bigfoot? This is something I remember hearing as a kid in California long ago, and thinking, “This is a thing? Who comes up with this? Where did someone even think to ask that?” Then I read The Miracle of Forgiveness. I am pretty sure this is whereContinue Reading

In 2011 Robert Millet wrote an excellent article on Calvinism and how this compares to Latter-day Saint theology. I really appreciated his work on this and wanted to post his article here: Joseph Smith Encounters Calvinism highlighted. I originally accessed his article here.Continue Reading

In December 2010, BYU Studies published a study by Jeffrey R. Chadwick entitled “Dating the Birth of Jesus Christ.” It presented historical and scriptural evidence showing that Jesus was not born in April of 1 BC, as popular Latter-day Saint thought supposed, but most likely in December of 5 BC.Continue Reading

Were the Nephite Disciples Apostles? It seems that they were not. President Smith says that they “were virtually apostles to the Nephite race” but that their authority was subject to the 12 Apostles of the Old World. Here is his quote: “In fulfilment of this prophecy when the Savior cameContinue Reading