Matthew 16 The Rock of Revelation This chapter has many practical applications to young people.  At issue is what we believe Jesus to be.  We must come to know that Jesus is the Christ by the same means as Peter.  There is enough evidence to suggest to us that thisContinue Reading

In our classroom we have a “question box”.  I have found this to be a useful tool in the classroom.  When a student has a question that would take us far off topic, yet is still relevant to their lives, a teacher has a couple of options.  The teacher canContinue Reading

1 Samuel 3 teaches so many important principles.  One idea that is particularly applicable to youth is that we need to be ready when called upon.  Samuel heeded the voice of the Lord when called upon, but the two men who should have been ready to hear the voice ofContinue Reading

As Samuel grows, he learns to hear the voice of the Lord.  The experience in 1 Samuel 3 illustrates how the Lord works with us to communicate his will.  We need to grow in the process of hearing and following the still small voice of the Spirit. Sister Julie BeckContinue Reading

Numbers chapter 9 illustrates how the Lord instructed Israel when they were to move the camp.  “So it was alway: the cloud covered it by day, and the appearance of fire by night.” (Numbers 9:16) As long as the cloud rested upon the tabernacle, Israel stayed where they were campedContinue Reading

D&C 111 Joseph has many debts incurred by the church.  A man by the name of Burgess stated that there was a large amount of money stashed in the cellar of a certain home in Salem, Massachusetts.  Joseph, Sidney Rigdon, Hyrum, and Oliver go to look for the home and cannot findContinue Reading

This can be called a “student revelation” Not everything you are taught is of God… some things are true, some things are of men.  This revelation not only applies to Joseph Smith translating the Apocrypha, but can also apply to our students with regards to music, or anything else thatContinue Reading

The practical application of section 76 is that we can and should receive revelation, and the way that we can obtain revelation is by studying the words of prophets.  We need to be feasting on the words that the Lord has given us.  When we do so, He is so anxious to giveContinue Reading

Have you ever received an impression? If you were the Lord, what is one of the first things you would want to teach this newly restored church? 2 Nephi 32:5 –WHAT does this basically say?  You get the Holy Ghost, and it will guide you in what you need to do in your life. HowContinue Reading