Recently I have thought about the new Duty to God program that the Church has implemented with a focus on young men learning, acting and then sharing their experiences.  This pattern parallels the early life of Joseph Smith as recorded in Joseph Smith History. “it was impossible for a personContinue Reading

One of the first lessons our youth can learn as they go through the Doctrine and Covenants and Church History is how to listen to the right voice.  From the very beginning of his work as a prophet, Joseph Smith is taught this very important lesson: that listening and followingContinue Reading

Today I was listening as my 13 year old son was explaining how Moroni felt that he had no writing skills.  I wondered where he got that impression and asked him.  “Right here, dad- see, it says, ‘and only a few have I written, because of my weakness in writing’ (EtherContinue Reading