Much of the Sermon on the Mount has to do with our motives.  The Savior challenges us to have pure motives, to do things that are good, and to do them for the right reasons.  Sometimes young people wonder about the purpose of fasting. In Matthew 6 we read, “MoreoverContinue Reading

The Sermon on the Mount teachings principles which have many applications in the lives of young people.  Matthew 5 outlines 4 important ideals that we examined in class.  They are: 1.  Adultery & Divorce 2.  Honesty 3.  Retaliation & Violence 4.  How to deal with your adversary In each instance,Continue Reading

Matthew 4 deals with the conflict between Satan and the Savior.  A great question to ask in the beginning of class is, “How can I be strong when temptation comes?” After some time to reflect and write their responses, (hopefully) a class discussion will result.  I had students write aContinue Reading

Matthew chapter 2 forces us to examine the nature of evil as it relates to the omnipotence of our Heavenly Father.  Every teenager can relate with injustice.  Most teens have a strong sense of right and wrong and feel that those that do wrong should face justice.  We went throughContinue Reading

Matthew 2 addresses two very teenage issues that are worthy of mention.  Most students have some conception of the events surrounding the birth of Jesus Christ.  They know he was born in a stable, laid in a manger, and that shepherds came to see him after his birth.  Some areContinue Reading

I have pondered the opening to the New Testament, with the announcement of the birth of Jesus Christ coming to Mary (Luke 1:26-38) and others through the testimony of angels.  It is interesting that both the Old and New Testament begin with the witnessing of angels.  In the beginning ofContinue Reading

As we have read the beginning chapters of the New Testament, I am inspired by the attitude that Mary exhibited when she is told that she is to be the mother of the Son of God.  We can only imagine the way that others would have judged her, being inContinue Reading

Matt 6 deals with treasure (6:20-21), clothing (6:30), food & drink (6:31-32). When instructing the Twelve, Jesus made the following statement: Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?  (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:)Continue Reading

I recently taught the war chapters (Alma 43-63) in Gospel Doctrine in my ward, and as I prepared, I thought how these chapters parallel our day.  We live in a time when it is difficult to discern between truth and error.  There are forces at work attempting to eradicate aContinue Reading

Matthew 16 The Rock of Revelation This chapter has many practical applications to young people.  At issue is what we believe Jesus to be.  We must come to know that Jesus is the Christ by the same means as Peter.  There is enough evidence to suggest to us that thisContinue Reading