The showdown between David and Goliath has many relevant parallels to the youth of the Church today.  In many ways Goliath represents the temptations and trials of the world.  He also represents the demands of the world that we must meet.  The author of the text goes on to illustrateContinue Reading

The book of Joshua outlines the capture of strongholds in Canaan.  From the miracle of the destruction of the walls of Jericho to the hailstones descending on the Amorites in Joshua 10, the record indicates the fact that the “Lord fought for Israel” (Joshua 10:14).  From the first 11 chaptersContinue Reading

Joshua 6 tells the story of the walls of Jericho coming down.  The story is miraculous in many ways.  Taking a fortified city was always a challenge, usually ending in more casualties for the attacking force due to the difficulty of taking a fortified position.  The Israelites follow the instructionContinue Reading

In class as we were going through some of the chapters in Numbers I had several students ask about the casting out of the lepers in Numbers 5.  Although not just lepers were “put out of the camp” (Numbers 5:2), this brought out the idea – what leprosy represented.  LeprosyContinue Reading

Numbers chapter 9 illustrates how the Lord instructed Israel when they were to move the camp.  “So it was alway: the cloud covered it by day, and the appearance of fire by night.” (Numbers 9:16) As long as the cloud rested upon the tabernacle, Israel stayed where they were campedContinue Reading

“There is no provision in the law that miracles will create faith.  Signs follow, they do not precede.” – Elder Bruce R. McConkie Exodus 6-12 contains a series of signs and wonders that the Lord uses to encourage Pharoah to let the Israelites leave their bondage in Egypt and goContinue Reading

These sections illustrate how God wants to take care of His children in a way that if implemented, would exceed any of the various methods that man has devised.  In section 37 the Lord instructed the Saints to go to Ohio, and so it is in Ohio that the LordContinue Reading

A miracle in a time of war The following in as excerpt of an account of Joseph Banks’ escape from the hands of the Germans during World War II, taken from his book entitled A Distant Prayer.  Starving, cold, and frightened, Joseph and three friends attempt to escape a GermanContinue Reading