Ruth is a great book for teenagers.  So many of them can relate to a person who has had so many difficulties.  We began the study of the  book of Ruth by writing on the white board all of the characters from chapter 1 – Elimelech, Naomi, Mahlon, Ruth, Chilion,Continue Reading

In class as we were going through some of the chapters in Numbers I had several students ask about the casting out of the lepers in Numbers 5.  Although not just lepers were “put out of the camp” (Numbers 5:2), this brought out the idea – what leprosy represented.  LeprosyContinue Reading

In Exodus 5 there is an interchange between Moses and Pharoah where the prophet asks Pharoah to let the Israelites “rest from their burdens” and go and “hold a feast in the wilderness.” (Exodus 5:1,5). Pharoah responds with the command that from this time forth the Israelites will continue theirContinue Reading

From time to time students express their frustration with those that ridicule them for their faith and for resisting temptation.  Others tell them that they need to “get real” and learn to “live in the real world”.  They are told that since everyone is committing sin, they might as wellContinue Reading

The story of Joseph in Genesis teaches so many lessons.  First, it is a type, a message of the redemption paid by our Savior Jesus Christ.  Each of us is a brother begging for bread in a time of famine, while Joseph represents the Savior – freely forgiving and offeringContinue Reading

Section 89 The word of wisdom has got to be one of the greatest prophecies of the Restoration. Why would the Lord say, this is adapted to the capacity of the weakest of all saints? Naturally what does the body do when it comes into contact with Word of Wisdom violations?  TheContinue Reading

D&C 57 At this point it is good to explain how the Saints were looking forward to finally knowing where Zion was to be located.  I like to show the map and let them see where the temple was to be built.  Usually at this point, some kids ask questionsContinue Reading

These sections illustrate how God wants to take care of His children in a way that if implemented, would exceed any of the various methods that man has devised.  In section 37 the Lord instructed the Saints to go to Ohio, and so it is in Ohio that the LordContinue Reading

I have been thinking about the Church as a whole as I have been pondering Section 20 of the Doctrine and Covenants.  In verses 11-12 the Lord says in reference to the Book of Mormon, “proving to the world that the scriptures are true, and that God does inspire menContinue Reading