I must say that I love the Old Testament.  There are just so many stories that relate to our lives.  The story of Elijah and his contest with the priests of Baal is a dramatic example of the power of the Lord over all the earth.  He is the supremeContinue Reading

Just about everyone at some point in their lives has played “King of the mountain”.  As young children we would go to the local hill, and the person on top was the king.  Everyone else would strive to take that person down off the top, thus becoming the new king.Continue Reading

The narrative of David’s downfall in 2 Samuel 11 is given with such detail and in such a matter of fact manner that it is impossible to miss the point.  David made a series of decisions that brought him and those around him misery.  There were several switchpoints in thisContinue Reading

Ruth is a great book for teenagers.  So many of them can relate to a person who has had so many difficulties.  We began the study of the  book of Ruth by writing on the white board all of the characters from chapter 1 – Elimelech, Naomi, Mahlon, Ruth, Chilion,Continue Reading

3.  88:7-13  He is the light and life of all things 88:7-13 The Light of Christ is what we think and reason by.  We also live by the Light of Christ.  Socrates in Plato’s Republic (see here: http://classics.mit.edu/Plato/republic.html )- asks, “what makes good government?”  The governor who rules according toContinue Reading

D&C 14 Endure to the end David Whitmer does not endure.  Born Jan 7 1805, died Jan 25 1888.  Excommunicated April 1838, he never returned to the church.  When Moroni showed the 3 witnesses the plates, he turned directly to David Whitmer and said, “David, blessed is he that endureContinue Reading