Elder Heber J. Grant shared this experience involving John Taylor: I recall one incident showing how song has the power to soothe irritated feelings and bring harmony to the hearts of men who are filled with a contentious spirit. It occurred many years ago and involved a quarrel between twoContinue Reading

Summer 1838, Orson returned from serving as a missionary in England to Far West, Missouri just as trouble began. Orson was very ill and exhausted. Unable to get out, friends called on him and filled his ears with news of the escalating conflict between the Latter-day Saints and angry locals.Continue Reading

Mosiah 27 usually causes young people to ask questions about those that they love who are not on the gospel path. I like to emphasize that the Lord does not judge us until the Final Judgment, and so it behooves us to love all of Heavenly Father’s children, while petitioningContinue Reading

These notes contain links to a few books that have helped me understand the context and content of the scriptures. As an Amazon Affiliate, I do earn a small commission from qualifying purchases (at no extra cost to you). Click here to see all of my favorite books on Amazon. Mosiah 25-28Continue Reading

The Savior healing the leper is an opportunity to liken the scriptures to the youth.  Leprosy was a symbol for sin.  The fact that Jesus “immediately” healed the leper is significant (see Matthew 8:1-4).  The following quote from Frederic Farrar emphasizes the idea that Jesus is quick to forgive: AllContinue Reading

Obadiah is the shortest book in the Old Testament.  It is difficult to ascertain when this book was written, sometime between 850-200 BC.  Dating this book is based upon the mention of the destruction of Jerusalem and the fact that many of the verses in the text are very similarContinue Reading

Hosea’s name means “deliverance” or “salvation” and is connected on a basic level with the names Joshua and Jesus.  Hosea was a prophet at the time of King Jeroboam II, who died in 746 BC. His ministry may well have continued until the loss of the Northern Kingdom in 721Continue Reading

Jonah didn’t want the people of Nineveh to be forgiven.  He was well aware of the forgiving grace of the Lord and didn’t want the Assyrians to receive it.  He would rather die than see them have this opportunity.  We see this in Jonah 1:12 as well as all ofContinue Reading

The book of Jonah is a wonderful message of forgiveness and grace.  Jonah is called by the Lord to preach repentance to a hardened people, a people that he does not feel are worthy of being saved.  In Jonah’s estimation, the people of Nineveh are so hardened, so unworthy ofContinue Reading