The showdown between David and Goliath has many relevant parallels to the youth of the Church today.  In many ways Goliath represents the temptations and trials of the world.  He also represents the demands of the world that we must meet.  The author of the text goes on to illustrateContinue Reading

Ruth is a great book for teenagers.  So many of them can relate to a person who has had so many difficulties.  We began the study of the  book of Ruth by writing on the white board all of the characters from chapter 1 – Elimelech, Naomi, Mahlon, Ruth, Chilion,Continue Reading

From time to time students express their frustration with those that ridicule them for their faith and for resisting temptation.  Others tell them that they need to “get real” and learn to “live in the real world”.  They are told that since everyone is committing sin, they might as wellContinue Reading

Sometime into the teaching of this section, I was reminded of a story I heard about Florence Chadwick.  This story has great application in the lives of youth in keeping true to their covenants in the midst of trials and living in a time with so much uncertainty. On JulyContinue Reading

Of all the sections in the Doctrine and Covenants, this section contains more names of individuals than any other.  While the message of this section focuses on building the temple in Nauvoo and the construction of the Nauvoo house, I took this opportunity to discuss with the youth the peopleContinue Reading

D&C 14 Endure to the end David Whitmer does not endure.  Born Jan 7 1805, died Jan 25 1888.  Excommunicated April 1838, he never returned to the church.  When Moroni showed the 3 witnesses the plates, he turned directly to David Whitmer and said, “David, blessed is he that endureContinue Reading