In 1871, in the tiny Mormon farming settlement in Spring Valley, White Pine, Nevada (about 60 miles from Ely), Latter-day Saint Newman Hall found himself entirely out of flour and unable to feed his family. He asked some of his neighbors for help, but no one had a surplus. FinallyContinue Reading

We had stopped for the night at the house of Simeon Carter, by whom we were kindly received and were in the act of reading to him and explaining the Book of Mormon, when there came a knock at the door, and an officer entered with a warrant from aContinue Reading

Within two months of his baptism on August 20, 1831, William E. McLellin, a former schoolteacher, became deeply involved in the restoration story. Following his conversion, McLellin was ordained an elder and preached the gospel with Hyrum Smith for a few weeks before traveling to Orange, Ohio, in late OctoberContinue Reading

Joseph was elated when others were chosen by the Lord to be witnesses of the Book of Mormon. The following account tells of his relief: The following account from Lucy Mack Smith, Joseph Smith’s mother, describes how Joseph felt after the Three Witnesses had seen the plates: “When they returnedContinue Reading

See also: Joseph Smith used a Urim and Thummim to translate The Book of Mormon Joseph Smith used a seer stone to translate The Book of Mormon The box was filled with tinkertoys 1827 September 21, 1823 – Joseph meets Moroni. Joseph is 17 years old. September 22, 1827 –  JosephContinue Reading

Alexander Neibaur’s testimony of Jesus Christ and his gospel Alexander Neibaur was born in Ehrenbriestein, France on January 8, 1808 to Jewish parents. They were high class. His father was well educated: a physician, surgeon, and linguist. He wanted Alexander to grow up to be a rabbi, but at seventeen,Continue Reading

Testimony of Mary Elizabeth Rollins Lightner Well, my young brethren, I can say I never was more surprised in my life than to be called upon to speak to you young men who are called upon to go into the mission field to preach the gospel to the nations ofContinue Reading