The Rifle Pa never had much compassion for the lazy or those who squandered their means and then never had enough for the necessities.  But for those who were genuinely in need, his heart was as big as all outdoors. It was from him that I learned the greatest joy in lifeContinue Reading

Trouble at the Inn Dina Donahue For years now whenever Christmas pageants are talked about in a certain little town in the Midwest, someone is sure to mention the name of Wallace Purling. Wally’s performance in one annual production of the Nativity play has slipped into the realm of legend.Continue Reading

The Missing Jesus “If You’re Missing Baby Jesus” by Jean Gietzen. About a week before Christmas the family bought a new nativity scene. When they unpacked it they found 2 figures of the Baby Jesus. “Someone must have packed this wrong,” the mother said, counting out the figures. “We haveContinue Reading

The Christmas Truce                 The Western Front 1914 My dear sister Janet, It is 2:00 in the morning and most of our men are asleep in their dugouts—yet I could not sleep myself before writing to you of the wonderful events of Christmas Eve. In truth, what happened seems almost likeContinue Reading

The Christmas goose There was once a man who didn’t believe in God, and he didn’t hesitate to let others know how he felt about religion and religious holidays, like Christmas. His wife, however, did believe, and she raised their children to also have faith in God and Jesus, despiteContinue Reading

The Big Wheel Author Unknown In September 1960, I woke up one morning with six hungry babies and just 75 cents in my pocket. Their father was gone. The boys ranged from three months to seven years; their sister was two. Their Dad had never been much more than aContinue Reading

A brother like that A friend of mine named Paul received an automobile from his brother as a Christmas present. On Christmas Eve when Paul came out of his office, a street urchin was walking around the shiny new car, admiring it. “Is this your car, Mister?” he asked. PaulContinue Reading

“I am the vine, ye are the branches” John 15:1-4 These first four verses of John 15 are a reminder to all of us that we are absolutely nothing without Jesus Christ. He is our all. Anything good we do, anything worthwhile that we accomplish is because he has givenContinue Reading