Family History Work Scripture Chain 1 Corinthians 15:29 1 Peter 3:18–20; 4:6 Malachi 4:5–6; D&C 2:1–3 D&C 110:13–16 D&C 128:16–18 Why do we do family history work? Any work you do in the temple is time well spent, but receiving ordinances vicariously for one of your own ancestors will makeContinue Reading

The heavy morning frost on the Wyoming Plains west of Fort Laramie made walking unpleasant for those who were barefoot or in tattered shoes among the ill-fated 1856 Mormon handcart companies destined for Salt Lake City. Both the Willie and Martin companies replete with Mormon faithful eager to join fellowContinue Reading

Elder Heber J. Grant shared this experience involving John Taylor: I recall one incident showing how song has the power to soothe irritated feelings and bring harmony to the hearts of men who are filled with a contentious spirit. It occurred many years ago and involved a quarrel between twoContinue Reading

Summer 1838, Orson returned from serving as a missionary in England to Far West, Missouri just as trouble began. Orson was very ill and exhausted. Unable to get out, friends called on him and filled his ears with news of the escalating conflict between the Latter-day Saints and angry locals.Continue Reading

  Mary Fielding Smith (1801-1852) was a woman of remarkable faith and testimony. She is one of my heroes. She was the wife of Hyrum Smith and her oldest son, Joseph Fielding, and her grandson of the same name, both became presidents of the Church. Young Joseph Fielding later reported thisContinue Reading

In 1871, in the tiny Mormon farming settlement in Spring Valley, White Pine, Nevada (about 60 miles from Ely), Latter-day Saint Newman Hall found himself entirely out of flour and unable to feed his family. He asked some of his neighbors for help, but no one had a surplus. FinallyContinue Reading

We had stopped for the night at the house of Simeon Carter, by whom we were kindly received and were in the act of reading to him and explaining the Book of Mormon, when there came a knock at the door, and an officer entered with a warrant from aContinue Reading

Within two months of his baptism on August 20, 1831, William E. McLellin, a former schoolteacher, became deeply involved in the restoration story. Following his conversion, McLellin was ordained an elder and preached the gospel with Hyrum Smith for a few weeks before traveling to Orange, Ohio, in late OctoberContinue Reading